Efficient, unbiased, responsible investment.

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Talton Capital Management affords investors the benefits of volatility trading, but without the risks that are often associated with it.

With our proprietary prediction model and built-in risk controls, Talton can give you the confidence to invest in this emerging, high-return asset class.

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Hunter Young


Masters in Financial Mathematics.

Northwestern Finance Certificate.


Dr. Euan Sinclair

CIO & Managing Partner.

PhD Theoretical Physics.

Author of Volatility Trading.


Jeffrey Bryk


Founder, Tempus Fund.

MBA Northwestern.


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Like all investments, volatility is influcenced by major market events. Many large investors still don’t account for these risks (even after 2008), but Talton operates on a particularly risk-averse model. With proper hedging, Talton provides investors with the benefits of volatility trading plus protections against broader market.

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Investing in volatility, generally, can improve the diversification of a portfolio--and Talton’s model takes this benefit even further. Given its flexibility to trade the volatility of any asset, Talton’s model provides a truly unique return stream.


Talton was founded in 2012 by Hunter Young, in Chicago. In 2016, Dr. Euan Sinclair joined to help build out Talton's quantitative research operations.

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Talton Capital Management, LLC is an investment and research firm that aims to achieve uncorrelated, differentiated, and hedged absolute returns by harvesting divergences between implied and realized volatility across asset classes. We continually apply our proprietary predictive model, which tells us at any given time and over any given volatility environment whether to be long, flat, or short (and in what size). Given the natural asymmetric returns generated by derivative products, we’ve built in multi-tier risk management solutions that allow flexible portfolio adjustments during mild risk events and maximum drawdown stops in the most severe cases. This is how we generate alpha.

We believe that the variance premium is highly predictable relative to other asset classes and that the implied volatility surface is a strong predictor of future realized volatility.

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Learning is hard. Sometimes it is hard in a trivial way. It can be hard because the subject matter is hard. Quantum field theory is a difficult subject and it is understandable that learning it won't be easy. However, learning is also hard for a more concerning reason. Humans don't change their opinions when confronted with facts, even when they directly contradict the opinion. ...

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Risk, Probability, and Psychology

May 1,2024

“Risk depends on the skills of a specific trader and is all of the things outside our control. So traders with different sources of edge will have different remaining risk factors. If I have an edge in volatility prediction and you don't, volatility is my edge and your risk. This is true in most of life. For a heart surgeon, doing a bypass is a low risk operation. For me, it would be murder.” ...

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Talton is currently open to accredited investors. If you are an accredited investor who is looking to learn more about Talton and the benefits of adding active volatility investing to your portfolio, please use this form to send us a note. 

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